Select_Related, Prefetch_Related

In Django, select_related and prefetch_related are query optimization methods used to efficiently retrieve related objects...

3 minute read

Cookies? Cache?

Why are Cookies on the Web Called Cookies? Cookies on the web are called “cookies”...

4 minute read

AWS Publish

In order to publish a web page through AWS, there is a huge step of...

6 minute read

Second Project KPT

1. Project Overview 1) What We Did Project Name: Wish List for Desired Countries Mandatory...

3 minute read

Front-end and Back-end

While working on this team project, I came to realize the importance of the front...

3 minute read

Django Allauth

Today, I spent all day implementing the member sign-up, login, and log-out functions for the...

4 minute read

Second Team Project

The second team project began in earnest today. This is a project to create a...

3 minute read