Starting My First Personal Project Using Python

Starting My First Personal Project Using Python

2023, Aug 18    

I still lack a lot of knowledge about Python, but I’m going to start 3 simple projects.

Brief details of these 3 projects are as follows.

1. Up & Down Game (Korean Drinking Game)

  • Create up & down games involving players and computers.
  • Programs must include the following features:
    • A computer generates a random number between 1 and 100.
    • The player inputs a number and compares the number entered with the number on the computer to give an “up” or “down” hint.
    • If the player guesses the number on the computer correctly, it tells the number of attempts.
    • Repeat the above process until the player guesses the number.
  • About random module
    • import random
      random_number = random.randint(1, 100)

2. Rock Paper Scissors Game

  • Create a rock-paper-scissors game involving players and the computer.
  • The game is played in the following order.
    • The player enters one of scissors, rock, or paper.
    • The computer also randomly chooses between scissors, rock, and paper.
    • The player’s and computer’s choices are compared to determine a win or loss.
    • Print the result to tell if the player won, the computer won, or a tie.
    • Add the ability to repeat or quit the game.

3. Simple Social Media Platform

  • In this project, I will develop a program to manage members and posts on a simple social media platform.
  • Define a Member class and a Post class.
  • The Member class should have the following properties:
    • Member name (name)
    • Member ID (username)
    • Member password (password)
  • The Member class should have the following methods.
    • A display that prints member information (password must not be shown!)
  • The Post class must have the following properties.
    • Posting title (title)
    • Posting content (content)
    • Author (author): Member’s username must be saved!
  • Create at least 3 member instances and save them using append to an empty list called members.
    • Cycle through the members list and print all member names
  • Please create a code that allows each member to post three or more posts (a total of 9 or more post instances must be created for three members). Save the created post instances using append to the posts empty list.
    • Print all titles of posts written by a specific user using “for”
    • Print all the titles of posts that contain ‘specific words’ in the content using “for”

I have to complete all of the above in 5 days including the weekend.

I haven’t finished the Python advanced course, so I’m going to finish this first and then start.

I learned various grammars of Python today, but there is a part that I was worried about while learning.

It is a part that judges ‘true’ and ‘false’ while using ‘if’.

I felt it was a grammar that would go into any project, and I found out that it could be used in a variety of ways.

I will write more about details of grammar in another post.