Second Project KPT

Second Project KPT

2023, Sep 15    

1. Project Overview

1) What We Did

  • Project Name: Wish List for Desired Countries
  • Mandatory Tasks: Login, Registration, Logout, Feed Page (viewable without login), Post Creation Page (for logged-in users only), Detailed Post Page (post details, editable/deletable by the post creator)
  • Additional Tasks: Comment functionality, email verification during registration, password reset, password requirements, date widget addition, automatic display of desired countries on the map

2) Thoughts

  • Jisoo - Django was challenging, but I learned a lot by following along and dissecting the functionalities step by step. Initially, I found dealing with errors and problem-solving daunting, but I felt a sense of achievement when I resolved errors and saw the functionalities working properly. I was amazed when my team members implemented functionalities that I couldn’t. Sharing the process of the same project was a valuable learning experience. I wish I could have contributed more to additional features, and I feel sorry that I couldn’t share what I did or what I know with my team members.
  • Gyuhwan - It was quite challenging to implement the server with the limited knowledge I gained from the class. I struggled a lot, often asking very detailed questions to the tutor, which might have been a bit bothersome. However, everyone in the team faithfully fulfilled their respective roles, and I learned a lot, making it a fulfilling project.
  • Jaeyoon - I felt that I hadn’t fully implemented the basics of Django yet, as I ended up using the Allauth package. I focused too much on additional functionalities, and I regret that. However, by merging and resolving errors on GitHub for our individual tasks, I gained more confidence for future team projects. I also regret not sharing more with my team members.
  • Myeonggyeong - I participated in the project with a lack of basic knowledge, which made me feel lost from the beginning. I tried my best to help my team members, but it was not as easy as I thought. Nevertheless, I was fortunate to have great team members in my first group project, and I learned a lot about coding.
  • Hyunwoo - The experience of working on a team project with members who had different skill levels was very positive and a great learning experience. However, due to my limited knowledge of Django, there were many shortcomings in the backend-frontend integration, which was disappointing.

2. Keep

  • Sharing solutions when we solved issues together
  • Effective communication
  • Adhering to scheduled meeting times
  • Attending and reviewing lectures
  • Setting specific meeting times for discussing progress, issues, etc.
  • Being proactive
  • Individual efforts

3. Problem

1) Issues

  • Errors when pulling from GitHub
  • Failure to implement the DB server
  • Inexperience with Git usage
  • Lack of detailed elements in the initial System Architecture (SA)
  • HTML modifications in Allauth

2) Causes

  • Python versions were not synchronized before starting the project.
  • Failure to set a clear goal for implementing the DB server resulted in not completing it in time.
  • Lack of basic knowledge at the beginning.
  • Lack of familiarity with Allauth due to attempting to use it without sufficient experience in customizing it.

4. Try

  1. Always synchronize Python versions for the project.
  2. Share progress and errors with accurate communication.
  3. Concrete idea development and planning during the project’s planning phase.